Longo Toyota

#1 in the World since 1967*

Based on Toyota Motor Sales, USA 2023 Sales Report*
Based on Toyota Motor Sales, USA 2023 Sales Report*
Jan 13, 2023

Picture this: it’s a beautiful day, and you’re out for a drive when you suddenly catch a whiff of something terrible. It smells like something died in your car. No matter how often you clean your car, there always seems to be a lingering odor that won’t go away.

Whether it’s a musty odor from last night’s takeout, the smell of cigarette smoke from the previous owner, a wet dog smell that’s been in your car since you’ve had it, or just general wear and tear, getting rid of odors from your vehicle can be a tricky endeavor.

Bad odors in cars are all too common, but fear not — you don’t have to live with them. With the right products, some elbow grease, and some patience, you can get your car smelling fresh and clean in no time. Here are some tips for removing unwanted odors from your car and preventing them in the first place:

Surface Cleaning With a White Vinegar and Water Solution

Image by Christian Wiediger is free to use under the Unsplash License

The acidic nature of vinegar helps neutralize odors, and when mixed with water, it’s a great natural cleaning solution for hard surfaces, such as your car’s dashboard and plastic mats. It’s also strong enough to cut through built-up grime and grease.

Mix equal parts of white vinegar and warm water, adding more vinegar if needed. Dip a cloth in the mixture and wring it out, then wipe down all hard surfaces. This should help reduce any musty or mildew smells. A subtle vinegar smell will linger, so open the windows and let the car air out.

Vacuuming Upholstery and Carpets

Most odors will be trapped in your car’s upholstery, mats, and carpets. Vacuum them regularly to remove dirt, pet hair, dust, and debris that can accumulate over time and cause odors. Take out all the mats, floor liners, and car seats, and vacuum them thoroughly using a hose attachment.

Be sure to vacuum all the crevices, especially around the edges of car seats and door panels. Vacuum the carpets and remove any lingering pet hair stuck in the fibers. Vacuuming will help reduce odors and keep your car smelling fresh.

Using Baking Soda and Charcoal To Absorb Odors

Baking soda and charcoal are both great natural odor absorbers. Sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda on the floor mats, car seats, and other fabric surfaces (avoid leather upholstery and anything else easily damaged by baking soda). Let it sit for at least 15 minutes before vacuuming. Charcoal can also help absorb odors. Place several pieces of charcoal in a shallow dish and leave them in the car overnight to help reduce any unwanted smells.

Using Essential Oils and Air Fresheners

Essential oils can be surprisingly effective at helping to reduce odors in your car. The scent of essential oils helps mask the bad odors and leaves your car smelling fresh. Place a few drops of essential oil on cotton balls or pieces of tissue paper and place it strategically around your car.

Air fresheners are also a good option for getting rid of odors. Different types are available, from sprays to plug-ins and scented clips. Just be sure to use air fresheners sparingly — too much scent can be overwhelming.

Treating Persistent Odors With Odor Eliminators and Bombs

If you’re dealing with persistent odors, some more specialized options are available. Car odor eliminators are specially formulated to absorb bad smells and help prevent them from returning. They come in solid blocks, sprays, or gels that you can apply directly to fabric surfaces.

Odor bombs are another option for getting rid of bad smells. They come in various scents and contain activated charcoal, baking soda, and other natural odor neutralizers. Place one in your car for several hours or overnight to help reduce any lingering odors.

Replacing Air Filters or Deodorizing the AC System

If you’re dealing with odors coming from the air vents, you may need to replace the air filters or deodorize the AC system. Replacing air filters will help remove any dirt, dust, or debris causing bad smells. You can also use an odor-removing spray specifically designed for car air vents. Spray it around the vents and fan speed settings, then let it sit for a few minutes before turning the AC system back on. This should help reduce any musty or mildew smells from the vents.

Calling a Professional

If none of this works, it may be time to call in a professional. Professional car odor removal services are available to help get rid of even the most stubborn odors. Professionals use specialized techniques, ozone treatments, and powerful deodorizing agents to eliminate any persistent smells from your car.

Prevention Tips

As the saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Here are some tips for preventing odors from occurring in the first place:

  • Clean spills immediately: Spills are one of the top causes of odors in cars. Clean up any spills right away to help prevent smells from settling in and becoming harder to get rid of
  • Vacuum regularly: Regularly vacuuming helps remove dirt, dust, and debris that can accumulate over time and cause bad odors
  • Keep windows open: Letting fresh air in can help reduce odors. Always open your car’s windows and doors whenever possible to let in some fresh air
  • Use air fresheners sparingly: Air fresheners can be great for eliminating bad smells, but too much scent can be overwhelming. Use them sparingly and only when necessary
  • Avoid smoking in your car: Cigarette smoke is one of the most difficult odors to eliminate. Stop smoking in your car, or if you do, open the windows and air it out afterward
  • Place a moisture absorber inside your car: Moisture can cause bad smells, so make sure to place a moisture absorber inside your car to help keep it smelling fresh

At Longo Toyota, we understand how important it is to keep your car smelling clean and fresh. We hope these tips help you eliminate any odors in your vehicle and keep it smelling great. And if you’re due for an upgrade, be sure to check out our extensive selection of new and used vehicles and financing options. Be sure to contact us with any questions or to schedule a test drive. We look for